Rock Therapy Crystal Healing
The Classes That You Have Been Waiting For
The Classes That You Have Been Waiting For
The Sacred Art Of You-
Learn to unlock all the things hidden within, with full trust of who you are and how you flow with the energies around you.
See the possibilities-
Feel your potential and be free to express who you are in the highest form.
Are you ready?

What is The Sacred Art of You?
What is The Sacred Art of You?
The Sacred Art Of You Energy Modality is something that became it's own from the evolution of my work as a Crystal Healer. I started my journey as Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer in September of 2014. Through my work with my clients, I began to see what I was doing evolve. The tools I started out with as well as the crystals, have mostly changed and continue to do so.
This evolution began to escalate in 2016 after I became a Certified Luxunis MethodTM Practitioner. This attunement opened up a whole new level of energy work for me. With every monthly Boost I received as a practitioner, I also received messages and gifts that at the time I would not understand until I saw them all come together. I was incorporating these new gifts into my Crystal Healing sessions and continue to receive more. Recently I was guided to use these gifts as a stand alone modality, something that would come from me through my beautiful guides and teachers, along with gifts and tools from the ethereal, or other dimensions.
This work that came through has helped me to look at Energy Work in a whole new manner with a whole new understanding of how we can create and manipulate energy.
This has enabled me to incorporate the things I learned into the Sacred Art Of You One-on-One course. In these classes we will forge through with new ideas that may not have been explored in other Crystal Healing or Energy Work classes.
The Sacred Art Of You Course is a workhorse program, meaning you have to do the work to see the results. You have to put into practice what I am teaching you to reap the benefits and higher understanding of the subtle energies around us and the false barriers we put up between worlds.
During the Sacred Art of You Class, this is what we do together. We shift your perspective and help you to remove old conditionings that are continuing, or can continue to hold you in old patterns and cycles. This program is designed to help you step forth in your true illumination and power. Knowing that all has been within you this whole time.
Our goal at the completion of this course is for you to see things clearer and from a higher perspective. You will be ready to to take on anything, knowing you will now be equipped with the proper tools.
Course 1
Starting soon!
Art Therapy
Course 2
Course 2
Energy Healing, Working with Subtle Energies
One on One Instruction on understanding what an Energy Practitioner is and how to utilize this work in your life.
Learn to tap into the realms of your special gifts while learning how to heal others using the subtle energies around you.
This One on One class will provide you with everything you need to know to start off with the confidence and knowledge of working as an Energy Practitioner with or without using crystals.
Workbook and supplies included..
Classes are done Via Zoom and may include recorded videos.
Course 3
Mind Alchemy
Working together over the course of six months, focusing on your personal goals and how to achieve them. You will learn how to drop old thought patterns, dropping old conditionings to realize a new perspective on self and the world around you, ultimately making great change in your life.
Simply changing where you are now to where you want to be.
This deep guidance is a work horse class challenging and teaching you how to make real change in your life. Class includes materials that we will use as well as any content I have created for you.
Class meets via Zoom.

How Our Journey Begins
How Our Journey Begins
Our one on one classes, The Sacred Art of You, are formatted so that you may get the maximum benefit of our time spent together. This will be a combination of video chats, homework, meditations, remote energy work, plus other exercises to help you expand into the fullest YOU that can emerge.
Your class cost includes materials we will use for the level that you have selected. These classes are tailored to each one of you, whether you are new to your spiritual journey or a well seasoned traveler in these realms.
I welcome and honor you on your journey.
Are you ready to begin?
Request Information
Request Information
Please fill out form below to request information on any of our courses or to get started.
© 2024 Rock Therapy Crystal Healing